

What is same.energy?

same.energy is a similarity search engine. This means that instead of describing what you want, you give an example of what you want, letting you search for qualities that are hard to put to words.

You can read more about similarity search engines in this blog post.

What information does same.energy use to make its decisions?

same.energy only uses the text of the tweet. It doesn't use any information about the author or the accounts they follow.

What about searching for users?

When you search for a user, same.energy retrieves the user's most recent tweets, skipping replies, quote tweets, and tweets with images or links. (The selected tweets are shown on the search results page.) Then it does a multi-tweet query for all of those tweets. There's a limit of 20 tweets.

You would get exactly the same results if you manually searched the user's tweets by entering them in the search box separated by ///.

I don't think the results for my profile capture my style well.

The model does make mistakes. You could try selecting some tweets that capture your style particularly well and searching for them by pasting their URLs into the search box.

Can you remove my tweets from search results?

Yes. Send me a message to that effect from the account you want removed.


You can contact me on Twitter or by email. You can also check out my website.

Privacy Policy

We don't collect personally identifiable information. We do track the searches you submit, and we may use this data to improve the service.